Sunday, January 11, 2009

Live happily

I really don't understand sometime why people think negative side.... till they get in suicide or so on ... YOU are human with gift of brain from God ... most smart creature in the world .. cant you just think or tell yourself ''live happily no matter what'' Do you think that negative + negative will be positive and positive + positive = negative in life? Do you think life is mathematics ? Don't be stupid dude... If you really have problem but u don't want to share with people who close to you, some of the dude don't really like to share about their problem and want to keep them in secret.. OK .. its fine ...then find a solution that makes you feel better(positive) .. things don't have to turn in to tragic...
Think twice ... if your problem are so annoying, feel sick and tired.... then don't keep thinking about it.. relax your mind and your soul... maybe try on to get a sleep or listen to music song .... do anything that can make you relax...

Let's cheers folk... to be better tomorrow..... :)

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